Why It’s Important To See A Specialist for Straightening Teeth

No matter your age or situation, a Specialist Orthodontist like Dr Dr Angelis can help transform your smile (and we think, change your life!). Dr De Angelis is a specialist in straightening teeth. It’s what he does every day!

Specialist in straightening teeth

1. An orthodontist is a specialist in, and solely dedicated to, straightening teeth

An orthodontist is a specialist in straightening teeth and correcting bites. A Specialist Orthodontist, like Dr De Angelis, has completed an extra three years of study at university in addition to a general dental degree, and is an expert in treating issues relating to the alignment of teeth and jaws.

Essentially, a Specialist Orthodontist spends every day specialising in straightening teeth. They are an expert when it comes to creating a beautiful smile!

2. A Specialist Orthodontist has done an additional 3 years of study to be a specialist in orthodontics

Orthodontists undergo an additional 3 years of specialist training on top of their general dental degree and focus on one thing and one thing only – orthodontics. Straightening teeth and correcting bites using braces, plates and clear aligners is what they do – All day, every day. So you know you’re in good hands when you see a Specialist Orthodontist.

After completing his dental degree at the University of Adelaide, Dr De Angelis did another three years of study to become a Specialist Orthodontist. Below is a full list of his professional qualifications.

Professional Qualifications

1988 – 1995 – Bachelor of Science

1990 – 1994 – Bachelor of Dental Surgery

1998-2001 – Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics)

2004 – Diploma of Membership in Orthodontics of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

2008 – Member Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons In the Special Field of Orthodontics

2014 – Fellow International College of Dentists

3. You’re concerned about your child’s teeth

As your child starts to loose their baby teeth to make way for adult teeth, you might be wondering whether their teeth are growing ‘normally’, and whether you need to take them to see a dentist or an orthodontist.

Orthodontics Australia recommends children visit a specialist orthodontist for an assessment (you don’t need a referral from a dentist) when they are between seven to ten years of age.

But, like everything when it comes to children, every child is different! Whether they need orthodontic treatment will really depend on the child, and if there is an issue that needs to be treated.

Our view is that seeing an orthodontist for an assessment at an early age is a good idea. It means we can either rule out the need for early treatment, or if there are any problems present, we can talk you through the best course of action to put you and your child’s minds at ease.

Early orthodontic treatment can also save you money down the track, by reducing the need for more expensive treatment in later life.

Our Transforming Families Program offers a free initial consultation to any of our existing patient’s family members. This includes diagnostic photographs, X-rays and a comprehensive orthodontic examination.

Family discounts will also be applied when more than one family member commences full braces or Invisalign treatment.

4. You want to straighten your teeth and transform your smile

We are specialists in braces and clear aligner treatment.

Dr De Angelis has treated over 10,000 patients of all ages. If you choose us to transform your smile, you’ll be in good hands. Check out some of our before and after transformations here.

5. You want to straighten your teeth but you don’t want braces.

Orthodontics has come a long way since the days of metal braces!

Clear aligners such as Invisalign now offer people of all ages the opportunity to straighten their teeth without anyone knowing. That’s because Invisalign (and other clear aligners such as Spark) are clear and virtually invisible.

This form of orthodontic treatment uses a series of clear plastic trays (aligners) to gently guide teeth into their new position. Because it doesn’t look like you’re wearing anything at all, they are a popular choice for adults who want to straighten their teeth.

Dr De Angelis has been using Invisalign treatment for 18 years and was one of the first providers of Invisalign in Australia! He is also one of only three accredited Spark clear aligner providers in the country.

Want to know more about clear aligners? Read our blog posts here and here.

Want to know more? We’d love to help!

  1. Who is Dr De Angelis? Find out here.
  2. Read about Our Team here
  3. Why choose us though?
  4. Call us on 133 TOC (133 862)
  5. Book an appointment online
  6. Read our blog for more info on braces and Invisalign