Braces Assistance
If you have braces, looking after them as well as your teeth and gums, is really important if you want to achieve the best results. Read on for assistance with your braces and how to make the most of your treatment.

You will achieve the best results with your braces if you do the following:
Practice excellent oral hygiene
Proper tooth brushing is crucial whilst wearing braces. Food can easily be trapped in the braces and if food is left to sit on the teeth and gums, plaque can form. Plaque is the beginning of serious tooth decay and gum disease. You should brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush after any meal or snack. Flossing is recommended to remove the plaque between the teeth.
Take care whilst eating
Hard, crunchy or sticky foods should be avoided when wearing braces, as they can easily get caught in and around your braces. These foods can also cause the brackets to break (which can prolong treatment). Biting with your front teeth and biting hard foods can also damage your braces. Foods such as apples and carrots need to be cut into bite-sized pieces and ice should be avoided.
Reduce dietary sugar
Excessive amounts of sugary foods can increase the amount of plaque that forms on your teeth. This can result in tooth decay around the braces if not cleaned properly. A well-balanced diet is recommended for an optimal orthodontic result.
Report any breakages as soon as possible
Breakages to braces take longer to address than a regular appointment. If breakages are left for too long before they’re fixed, or occur too frequently they can extend treatment time. Call us on 133862 if you need assistance.
Wear your elastics
While not all patients need to wear elastics, for those that do, it’s really important the elastics are worn. Failure to do so can result in a poor treatment result and a longer treatment time.
Keep up your scanning in Dental Monitoring
If you are a Dental Monitoring patient, taking your regular scans when prompted by the app means you can have your straight smile sooner! By scanning on time the progress of your treatment is more precise and comfortable in a shorter amount of time. That means you can have that straight smile as quickly (but as safely and gently) as possible! If you stop scanning though, you may extend your overall treatment time.
See your regular dentist every six months
We recommend our patients see their dentist every six months for a check up and clean while underdoing orthodontic treatment. We will even reward you with a movie voucher for doing so. Ask our reception staff for a Dentist Check Up card, get your dentist to sign the card after your check up and show us the card at your next appointment for a movie voucher!
Braces assistance
It’s important to keep and attend all of your orthodontic appointments so we can keep on top of your treatment. It also allows us to pick up and sort out any potential issues with your braces.
How to get the most out of your braces treatment
Bec is a TOC patient who recently finalised her braces treatment and she is super happy with the results.
We have gotten to know Bec along the way and admire her determination to improve her teeth, and her life. Bec admits she has gained so much more confidence along the way. We asked Bec to share with us how patients can get the most out of their braces treatment. Read Bec’s story!
If you have any questions feel free to call us on 133 862 or Contact Us.